

Episode 1 "Moving In":
The episode begins with the introduction of five young women, Rebecca, Daisy, Sakura, Mika, and Aya, as they arrive at a large, beautiful house in a quiet, upscale neighborhood. They soon realize that the house is empty and they will have to work together to make it livable. They introduce themselves to one another and begin to explore the house and unpack their things. As they explore, they begin to notice that there is no furniture or supplies in the house, and they soon realize that they will have to work together to make it livable. We learn more about their personalities and their backgrounds and a glimpse of the conflicts and comedy that will drive the show.

Episode 2 "Credit Crunch":
The episode begins with the characters sitting in the living room of the house, which is still empty except for a few air mattresses and some camping gear. They are all looking dejected, as they have just finished cleaning up after their latest fundraising idea, a car wash, failed. As they all sit there, feeling defeated, Aya notices something on the floor. "Guys, look," she says, pointing to a small, sealed envelope. They all gather around as she opens it and pulls out a credit card. The card is from the benefactor, and there's a note attached that reads "Use this card to buy what you need for the house." The characters are overjoyed and relieved as they realize that they won't have to struggle to furnish their new home. They start to excitedly talk about all the things they can buy, and the episode ends with them making plans for a shopping trip.

Episode 3 "Money Troubles":
The episode begins with the characters enjoying their newly furnished house. However, soon they realize that they have overspent and are now in financial trouble. They struggle to pay bills and make ends meet, which creates conflicts and tension among the group. The characters must come up with ways to save money and make ends meet, but their different approaches to the situation causes additional conflicts. Meanwhile, Rebecca, who is studying to be an engineer, comes up with a plan to monetize her hobby and generate some income, but the plan fails.

Episode 4 "Living Together":
The episode opens with the characters dealing with the aftermath of their financial troubles. They begin to get on each other's nerves as they try to adjust to living together. Personalities clash and conflicts arise over things like cleaning, noise levels, and personal boundaries. The characters start to feel like they are losing their independence and resent each other. The situation gets worse when they find out that the credit card from the benefactor has been maxed out and they have to face their financial troubles together.

Episode 5 "Secrets Unveiled":
The episode begins with the characters continuing to deal with the aftermath of their financial troubles and relationship conflicts. But as they try to work through these issues, secrets they have been keeping begin to come to light, which creates awkwardness and tension among the group. Mika, who has a secret obsession with cheese, is caught eating all the cheese in the house. Daisy, who lost a baby brother, is found crying in the middle of the night. Sakura, who has a fear of public speaking, is forced to give a presentation in front of her class. The secrets and personal issues threaten to tear the group apart, and they must confront them in order to continue to live and work together effectively.
The characters also start to question the benefactor's true intentions and the reason why he provided them with the house. They begin to suspect that there may be hidden motives or potential consequences to living in the house.
They try to uncover the truth about the benefactor and their situation, but their attempts are unsuccessful. But as they begin to accept the situation and work through their problems, they realize that they have formed a strong bond and a sense of family with one another. They learn to support and accept each other despite their flaws and secrets, and they come to appreciate the house as their home.

Episode 6 "The Benefactor's Identity":
The episode begins with the characters still trying to come to terms with the secrets that have been revealed about each other and the benefactor. They are all feeling a sense of unease and uncertainty about their future in the house.

As they try to piece together the identity of the benefactor, they begin to notice small clues and hints that they had previously overlooked. They start to piece together the puzzle and come up with different theories about who the benefactor could be.

As they work together to uncover the truth, they begin to help each other with the personal issues that have been revealed. Daisy finds closure and comfort talking to her roommates about her lost brother. Sakura overcomes her fear of public speaking by giving a presentation in front of her classmates. Mika finds a way to control her cheese addiction. And Rebecca manages to monetize her hobby and generate some income.

As they finally put the pieces together, they come to the conclusion that the benefactor is none other than their old high school classmate, Jim. They are excited to finally know who their benefactor is and thank him for his generosity. But just when they think they have it all figured out, there's a twist. They contact Jim, but he denies being the benefactor and has no idea what they are talking about. The characters are left confused and bewildered by this revelation and the true identity of the benefactor remains a mystery.